Wilson is a recognized leader in electric utility construction. Utilities and power providers have teamed with Wilson for the past 70 years because of our abundant knowledge and task force in specialty areas including underground and overhead distribution and transmission line construction as well as helicopter, foundation, and environmental services. We bring safe, successful, and timely completion to even the most complex projects.
Transmission Construction
Wilson’s high voltage overhead expertise ranges from 115kV to 500kV. Our design and build team offers dedicated solutions to complete projects requiring hot work, environmentally sensitive areas, and other challenging site conditions on time, in any region, and within budget.
Distribution Construction
Wilson’s collaborative team understands the special considerations necessary to install, repair, or maintain distribution systems in terms of safety, operations, cost, future upgrades, and environmental impacts. We provide competitive pricing, experienced personnel, and quality results to our clients’ electrical distribution operations.
Underground Construction
Wilson’s underground transmission team tackles unique project needs, from solid dielectric to high pressure fluid-filled cables, and has some of the most experienced personnel in the United States. Our specially fabricated cable-pulling equipment has helped install cable through 345kV from coast to coast, reliably.
Substation Construction
Wilson provides high-level expertise, quick mobilization and reliable construction services in order to prepare innovative strategies for all phases of switchyard and substation construction. Our team approach provides confidence to clients who need efficient substation design and construction.
Helicopter Services
Wilson has helped pioneer safe and efficient helicopter operations in the electric utility construction industry for over 30 years, including the participation in development of standardized safe practices and procedures in national and international safety guidelines. Our extensive fleet of helicopters and veteran pilots can complete complex jobs safely and efficiently where others can’t.
Environmental Services
Wilson's work policy acts proactively toward ensuring our workforce is conscious of each job’s environmental issues. Our in-house Environmental Department specializes in environmental compliance management relating directly to the utility construction industry, including mitigation planning, permitting, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), development and implementation, inspection and monitoring, erosion and sediment control, restoration and environmental training.
Foundation Services
Wilson’s specialized equipment includes the most efficient drills used in today’s transmission line construction industry. From our LoDril XHTFB60 to our Watson 3110, we can perform various excavation methods needed for drilled shaft piers, lattice and tubular steel structures, sub-grade grounding systems, and other structure foundations.