Our Environmental Department managed extensive compliance requirements, including biological, cultural and paleontological pre-construction surveys; mitigation management plan development; Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development and implementation; vegetation management; development and implementation of Worker Environmental Awareness Training (WEAP); management of construction monitoring, including biological, cultural, paleontological, and Native American monitors; daily monitoring and reporting of nesting bird surveys and management in Southern California Edison Company’s (SCE’s) Field Reporting Environmental Database (FRED); spill response management and reporting; hazardous waste management and disposal; sensitive habitat restoration; and SWPPP restoration and closeout. The success of the project required close coordination with project management, construction crews, SCE, the California Public Utilities Commission, and various other governing authorities.
Southern California Edison Company
Valley - Ivyglen 115kV Subtransmission Line Project, CA
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Wilson successfully completed this 27-mile engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) project throughout the challenging location of western Riverside County, California.