Southern California Edison Company

Valley - Ivyglen 115kV Subtransmission Line Project, CA

Wilson successfully completed this 27-mile engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) project throughout the challenging location of western Riverside County, California.

Our Environmental Department managed extensive compliance requirements, including biological, cultural and paleontological pre-construction surveys; mitigation management plan development; Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development and implementation; vegetation management; development and implementation of Worker Environmental Awareness Training (WEAP); management of construction monitoring, including biological, cultural, paleontological, and Native American monitors; daily monitoring and reporting of nesting bird surveys and management in Southern California Edison Company’s (SCE’s) Field Reporting Environmental Database (FRED); spill response management and reporting; hazardous waste management and disposal; sensitive habitat restoration; and SWPPP restoration and closeout. The success of the project required close coordination with project management, construction crews, SCE, the California Public Utilities Commission, and various other governing authorities.