
Western Alberta Transmission Line, Canada

Wilson worked in a joint venture with Rokstad Power to complete construction of the Western Alberta Transmission Line. With more than 300 employees devoted to the project, the team completed four-hundred-thirty-three 500kV HVDC towers as well as twenty-four monopole and lattice steel towers. Adherence to stringent environmental and wetland requirements were an important aspect of this project.

Work on this project consisted of the installation of approximately 98 miles of 500kV HVDC line from Calgary to Red Deer, Alberta. Conductor included two phases of 4-Bundle 1590 ACSR conductor, one neutral of bundle 1590 ACSR conductor, one OPGW fiber, and one 1/2" static on lattice towers. Foundations were grillage, or drilled pier.

Wilson’s incredible challenges included weather, managing a large work force over a 17 month period, and dealing with access issues to get to work site locations.

More than 25,000 wood mats were used to gain access for foundation, tower assembly/erection, and wire pulling locations.

The project was completed on schedule. It included more than 675,000 hours of work with a stellar safety record, environmental compliance, and quality product turnover.