Transmission Construction
Wilson’s high voltage overhead expertise ranges from 115kV to 500kV. Our design and build team offers dedicated solutions to complete projects requiring hot work, environmentally sensitive areas , and other challenging site conditions on time, in any region, and within budget.
Western Alberta Transmission Line, Canada
Wilson worked in a joint venture with Rokstad Power to complete construction of the Western Alberta Transmission Line. With more than 300 employees devoted to the project, the team completed…
Portland General Electric
Port Westward - Trojan #1, OR
Wilson crews battled continual rains, muddy site conditions, changes in design for the installation of new wetland structures, and ingress/egress challenges along the right-of-way to successfully complete the Port Westward…
Bonneville Power Administration
Big Eddy – Knight, WA – OR
The Big Eddy – Knight transmission project for Bonneville Power Administration spanned 29 miles from The Dalles, Oregon, to Goldendale, Washington. The work included 10 miles of double-circuit 500kV/230kV, 4…
Isolux Corsan USA
Wind Energy 345kV Transmission Line, TX
Wilson strung 30 miles of single circuit bundle conductor, optical ground wire (OPGW) fiber, and overhead static wire (OHSW). Our exceptional performance and safety record on the project led to…